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Exciting News ! Green Spaces for Wellbeing Project

BAME Mental Health Support is excited to announce that we have received funding to start our Green Spaces for Wellbeing Project. This project is funded by the Local Places for Nature – Breaking Barriers scheme. It is being delivered by the Heritage Fund, on behalf of the Welsh Government.

The Green Spaces for Wellbeing Project aims to rebuild community cohesion and support improved mental health and emotional well-being, by encouraging minority ethnic people to reconnect with their community and learn to live a more sustainable, cost-effective, and healthy lifestyle in Wales.

The grant will support a Project Manager (Environment) and a new team of 2 x Community Engagement Officers (PT), 4 x Green Champion Outreach volunteers, and Climate Action Volunteers to mobilise ethnically and culturally diverse people to participate in a series of environment, climate change, Welsh heritage, and community/backyard garden related activities.

This is a fantastic opportunity for BAME Mental Health Support (BMHS) to collaboratively help foster the growth of environmentally aware and action-orientated communities of people who are mentally and physically resilient, and to facilitate the process of our creating a welcoming urban Green Space in Swansea, for people of all communities to come together, learn and grow.

Thank you so much to Local Places for Nature – Breaking Barriers, The National Lottery UK and Wales, the Heritage Fund Cymru, and the Welsh Government for supporting our project.

More information about our new roles and how to get involved to follow.

Let’s get started.

Mae Cymorth IechydMeddwl BAME yn hapus iawn i gyhoeddi ein bod wedicael cyllidi ddechrauein ProsiectGofodau Gwyrdd erLles. Arienniry prosiecthwn gangynllun Lleoedd Lleoldros Natur– ChwaluRhwystrau. Mae'n caelei ddarparugan GronfaDreftadaeth, ar ranLlywodraeth Cymru.

Nod y ProsiectGofodau Gwyrdd erLles ywailadeiladu cydlyniant cymunedol a chefnogi gwell iechydmeddwl a lles emosiynol, drwy annogpobl oleiafrifoedd ethnig iailgysylltu â'u cymuneda dysgubyw fforddfwy cynaliadwy, cost-effeithiol, ac iacho fywyng Nghymru.

Bydd y grant yn cefnogi Rheolwr Prosiect (Yr Amgylchedd) a thîm newydd o 2 x Swyddogion Ymgysylltu â'r Gymuned (PT), 4x o wirfoddolwyrAllgymorth Hyrwyddwr Gwyrdd, a Gwirfoddolwyr Gweithredu Amgylcheddoli symudpobl ethnig ac amrywiol yn ddiwylliannol i gymrydrhan mewncyfres o amgylchedd, newid ynyr hinsawdd, treftadaeth Cymru, agweithgareddau cymunedol/gardd gefn sy'ngysylltiedig â'r ardd.

Dyma gyfle gwych i GymorthIechyd Meddwl BAME(BMHS) gydweithio i feithrin twfcymunedau amgylcheddol ymwybodol a gweithredu pobl sy'n wydn yn feddyliol ac yn gorfforol, ac i hwyluso'r broses o greuMan GwyrddTrefol croesawgar ynAbertawe, i boblo bobcymuned ddod atei gilydd,addysgu a thyfu

Diolch yn fawriawn iLeoedd Lleol drosNatur –Gwrthod Rhwystrau, Loteri Genedlaetholy DUa Chymru, Cronfa Dreftadaeth Cymru, a Llywodraeth Cymruam gefnogiein prosiect.

Mwy o wybodaetham einrolau newydda sut i gymryd rhan iddilyn.

Gadewch i ni ddechrauarni.

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