The prevention and management of violence and aggression (PMVA) is an important aspect of safe care practice, especially in formal health care settings.
Our aim is to provide staff with the knowledge, skills and confidence in managing potential conflict using a range of techniques.
These include:
· De-escalation skills
· Verbal and non-verbal communication
· Tactical manoeuvres to disengage from an aggressor
· The safe application of physical intervention or restraint manoeuvres, where appropriate.
We assist our clients on the knowhow of how to take control of conflict scenarios in a safe, legal and consistent manner. Our training approach puts the well-being of service users and staff at the heart of all interventions.
Our PMVA course content includes guidance from NICE; the Department of Health and Care Quality Commission and it is underpinned by key principles in both common and statutory law.
Our PMVA training is accredited by General Services Association (GSA).
We teach GSA-issued and approved physical intervention techniques which have been risk assessed and rigorously tested for their effectiveness and safety.
PMVA 3 DAY Course – GSA Approved
Our specialty course is our Prevention, Management of Violence and Aggression (PMVA) Course which is taught by General Services Association (GSA) Tutors
Start Time each day: 9am
Finish Time each day: 5pm
Course Pre-Requisite Requirements
All Candidates are required to complete a Health Declaration on the day of the course of which will be assessed by the course tutor.
This course is suitable to learners of varying fitness levels.
Learners have to adhere to the training safety requirements and Dress Code for the course.
Course Safety and Dress Code: PMVA and Breakaway courses includes the instruction of practical physical intervention skills. Candidates will be required on the day of the course to complete a health declaration prior to course commencement. To ensure candidate safety and comfort during instruction it is essential that candidates are suitably attired, failure to do so may mean refusal to participate on the course.
Please complete this confidential questionnaire designed to help us, and you, identify any areas of your health which may influence your ability to safely take part in GSA physical intervention/restraint and breakaway physical skills training.
This training is designed to be accessed by people of a wide range of ages, weight, co-ordination and levels of physical fitness. It is designed to ensure that you will be able to carry out the day to day training requirements more safely.
