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Wales' Top 100 Changemakers!

"Wales is leading the world and has been commended at the United Nations for our unique Well-being of Future Generations Act (2015) which protects the interests of our children and future generations.

Changemakers from across Wales are making the vision of the Well-being of Future Generations Act a reality and are directly contributing to the well-being of Wales. The number and variety of ways this Act has become reality is breath-taking. Its well-being goals are being achieved every day by a wide range of organisations, communities and individuals across the whole country." Sophie Howe Future Generations Commissioner for Wales

Huge Congratulations to our Director ALFRED OYEKOYA for being named by The Office of the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales as among Wales' top 100 changemakers! alongside many other friends of BAME Mental Health Support - BMHS #FGC100

Ysgogwyr Newid 100!



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