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Welcome to our February Newsletter

We hope your year has got off to a great start!

In this month’s newsletter, we bring you some updates and key calendar dates including our current vacancies.

We commenced 2023 with the news of our Green Spaces for Wellbeing Project had received funding from the Local Places for Nature – Breaking Barriers scheme, which is being delivered by the Heritage Fund, on behalf of the Welsh Government.

We also continued the tutor-facilitated Creative Writing Classes funded by the Book Council of Wales. Both projects, which you can read more about in this newsletter, help endorse BMHS’s underpinning philosophy of how the third sector in Wales can support the NHS through the provision of complementary health-related therapies that aim to increase wellbeing, aid relaxation, and help promote positive mental health and wellness.

Other highlights include the delivery of our monthly Mental Health First Aider Training, with January’s being a beneficial and successful 2-day event ; and the customary busy last week of the month during which BMHS hosted several events including Menopause Lounge, Ladies Night, Breakfast and Fitness Club, and a Sunday Family event for Children and Young People etc

Huge Congratulations to our Director, Alfred Oyekoya for being named by The Office of the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales as among Wales’s top 100 changemakers!


Our deepest thanks to all involved in supporting our community.

Bring it on, February.



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