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World Suicide Prevention Day, Friday, 10th September 2021

World Suicide Prevention Day takes place on Friday, 10th September 2021 and this year the international theme is ‘Creating Hope Through Action’

In 2020, there were 5,224 suicides registered in England and Wales, equivalent to an age-standardised mortality rate of 10.0 deaths per 100,000 people.

Suicidal thoughts and self-harm Suicidal thoughts aren’t mental health diagnoses.

But they are often related to mental health.

1 in 5 people have suicidal thoughts

1 in 14 people self-harm

1 in 15 people attempt suicide.

Women are more likely to have suicidal thoughts and make suicide attempts than men.

But men are 3 times more likely to take their own life than women

If you are in crisis, you should:

Call 999

Call on 116 123 (FREE) / Email

​24-hour crisis helpline (free for everyone). An excellent helpline for when you are in crisis. The Samaritans will listen to you without judgement.

Find out more on how BMHS can support you by visiting

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